
Privacy policy


On April 6, 2016, the European Union approved an important reform of the regulatory framework relating to the protection of personal data by adopting the “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR or Regulation), directly applicable in the Member States. The Regulation replaces Directive 95/46 / EC (“Data Protection Directive”) and its application becomes mandatory starting from 25 May 2018, two years after its entry into force.

The new Regulation strengthens the safeguard of the right to the protection of personal data (Data Protection), in line with the recognition of the protection of personal data as a fundamental right of the EU. The Regulation also represents a necessary and urgent response to the challenges posed by technological developments that allow the collection and processing of large amounts of personal data in real time, allowing the development of automated decisions that go beyond human intervention. The Regulation meets the need to protect the private sphere increasingly felt by European citizens.
This information was created in order to make known with the utmost transparency and confidentiality which personal data (hereinafter, “Data”) the Jewish Community of Rome (hereinafter also the “Community”), based in Largo Stefano Gaj Taché – Synagogue – 00186 Rome (RM), as Data Controller, collects through its website (hereinafter the “Website”) and how such data are used in compliance with the current legislation on the protection of personal data.
The Community, in order to provide the services offered through the Website, may make use of third parties, who will act on its behalf as Data Processors by virtue of a specific appointment. The Data may also be brought to the attention of subjects who will operate as “persons authorized to process”.

No data will be disseminated.

Place of data processing

The processing connected to the Website and to the services provided by the Community take place at the Community headquarters and are only handled by the personnel in charge of processing, or by any persons in charge of maintenance operations.
The data deriving from the services offered within the Website may be communicated to the technological and instrumental partners that the Community uses for the provision of the services requested by the visiting users.
The personal data provided by visitor users who forward requests for information or other communications are used only to perform the service or provision requested and are disclosed to third parties only if this is necessary for this purpose.

Type of acquired data

When a user visits the Community Website, certain information may be collected or requested in order to improve the browsing experience or to facilitate the Community in managing the relationship with the user. Such information may include:

contact details such as name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number;
data provided by the user in order to receive information or in order to make a donation;
data deriving from technical cookies described below.

Purpose in the use of user data

The information is reserved for the processing of personal data of users who consult the Website for the purposes specifically identified below:

verify the identity of the user to answer questions or for the purpose of a donation;
manage the request for subscription to the newsletter service that the user has made on the Website by subscribing to the mailing list;
allow the provision of services by guaranteeing the Community compliance with legal requirements;
fulfill a legal obligation, regulations or provisions of the judicial authority, as well as to defend a right in court.

Methods of processing and conservation

Data processing is carried out through automated tools (e.g. using electronic procedures and media) and / or manually (e.g. on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the Data were collected so as to offer users the browsing experience and allow them to use the services requested by them and in any case in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject.
The Data Controller has adopted technical and organizational measures aimed at ensuring a level of security appropriate to the risk in accordance with the provisions of art. 32 of the GDPR, so as to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
The information collected by the Community is stored on its systems and in whatever region the providers of which the Community avails itself operate. The retention period of the acquired data is that strictly necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they are processed.

Transfer of data abroad

As part of the purposes described in this statement, the Community does not transmit the data provided to other parties with offices in countries that are outside the territory of the European Union.

Rights of interested parties:

Pursuant to art. 15-21 of the GDPR, in relation to the data communicated, the interested party has the right to:
access and request a copy;
request cancellation / rectification;
obtain the limitation of the processing;
oppose the processing carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller;
receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device and to transmit such Data without hindrance to another data controller, where technically feasible;
lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial appeal, the interested party who believes that the processing that concerns him or her violates the Privacy Law has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the Member State in which he resides or works habitually, or of the State in which the alleged violation occurred.

The above does not apply to information made available to third parties which are outside the scope of the Community.

If the processing is based on consent, pursuant to art. 7 of the GDPR, the interested party can revoke any consent given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing performed before the revocation.

If the interested party wishes to have more information on the processing of his data, or to exercise the rights indicated above, he can send an e-mail to:

Changes to this information

The Community may make changes to this information, ensuring in any case the timely updating of this internet page and allowing access to the various successive versions over time, which can be consulted at the same address.



Cookies are small text files that the websites visited send to the user’s terminal (computer, tablet, smart-phone, notebook), where they are stored, and then re-transmitted to the same websites on the next visit. Depending on their duration, they are divided into session cookies (i.e. those temporary and automatically deleted from the terminal at the end of the browsing session), by closing the browser and persistent cookies (i.e. those that remain stored on the terminal until their expiration or cancellation by the user).
For more information, refer to the cookie document prepared by the Privacy Authority.
Typically, the usefulness of cookies lies in the possibility of obtaining information on visitor preferences through them, to improve the functionality and security of a website, to simplify navigation by automating the procedures (eg Login, site language) and for the analysis of the use of the site itself.
Below are the types of cookies used by the website

Technical cookies

used for:
– Authentication and management of a browsing session;
– The optimization of the functioning of the Website; –
– The best usability of the Website;
– The security;
– The correct functioning of the connection.

Third party cookies

The Website also allows the transmission to the user’s terminal of third-party cookies, with which the Community is limited, as a technical intermediary, to send these cookies, but does not manage their operation (therefore it has no control and access to the information provided / acquired) as their operation is the responsibility of third parties. For these cookies, you can access the information and the third-party consent acquisition forms by clicking on the links below. The third parties are:
Facebook – https: //
Twitter –

Management of cookie choices

The type of cookies used by the Website do not require the user’s consent; however, the user has the ability to disable cookies at any time using the settings of the Internet browser used. Below are links to the guidelines of the most common browsers:
Mozilla Firefox – Microsoft Internet Explorer– Microsoft Edge –Google Chrome – Opera – Apple Safari
It should be noted that disabling technical cookies could lead to navigation problems and correct use of the services.

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